Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Packing Progress

I am fortunate enough to travel interstate and overseas fairly regularly. I'm blessed to have seen some amazing parts of the world - such diverse experiences, cultures, landscapes, people ... and packing requirements!!!

In the neverending quest to pack the perfect suitcase I chanced upon a 'brilliant' idea before my last trip ... and it worked!! :)

These are in the "SKUBB" range at IKEA - (www.ikea.com/au/en/catalog/products/40192634/) -only $9.99 for the whole set (they also come in other colours).

I had one each of the large and small of these left over from use in my drawers and put them in my suitcase.

The smaller one I used for my 'smalls' ...
And the larger one I used for miscellaneous things that have a tendency to 'wander' around the suitcase in transit. Books were kept snugly (no dog-eared corners), adaptors, spare tissues, large jewellery pieces, hairbrush, zip-lock bag of nail polishes etc, medicines, face wipes ... and on the way home? A whole lot of chocolate, fudge and nougat! :)

The first win was keeping all those things neatly contained. The second win was providing a bit of structure to the rest of the suitcase. I found that even when the suitcase wasn't completely full (on the way OVER) things didn't move around so much.

I just dumped the contents of these out so I could quickly share them with a friend who's going overseas tonight. I'll get her to report on the success (or otherwise) when she's back! :)

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